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Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to Spanish for First Responders

  • 2

    Module 1 - Know the Basics!

    • Before Beginning ...

    • The Alphabet

    • Spell it please

    • All Kinds of Combinations

    • I think I've got It

    • Hispanic Cultural Differences

    • You, You, You or You!

    • Forms of You

    • Schedule a live session

  • 3

    Module 2 - Be ready

    • Basic Greetings

    • Questions of Well-Being

    • Application Time!

    • Who is Who?

    • Identifying Yourself

    • What's in a name?

    • A bit of personal information

    • Origin and Residence

    • Personal Information - Interactive Practice

    • Listening Comprehension - Unit Assessment

    • Do you speak ...?

    • Schedule a live session

  • 4

    Module 3 - Around the Clock

    • Cardinal Numbers

    • Cardinal Numbers - Review

    • Ask the victim's age

    • What's today's date?

    • Brrr!

    • Incident Report

    • It's about time!

    • It's time to review

    • Unit Assessment

    • Schedule a live session

  • 5

    Module 4 - Natural Disasters

    • In Case of Emergency

    • Giving Instructions - Emergency Kits and Securing the home

    • Earthquakes

    • Floods

    • Fires

    • Which building Exactly?

    • Prepositions of Place

    • More Prepositions

    • Cloze Activity - Where is this place?

    • Schedule a live session

  • 6

    Module 5 - The Dispatch

    • Emergency Vehicles

    • Body Parts

    • ¿Cómo eres? - Descriptive adjectives

    • Something is wrong

    • Accidents that Require First-Aid

    • Dealing with Injuries

    • Treatment and Cures

    • Listening Practice

    • Schedule a live session

  • 7

    Module 6 - At the scene of an accident

    • Taking Charge of the Scene

    • Determining Medical History

    • Reassure the Victim

    • Suspected Overdose

    • Schedule a live session

  • 8

    Module 7 - Distributing Aid

    • Food supplies

    • Toiletries

    • Distributing Clothing

    • Schedule a live session

    • End of Course Message!